It comes and it goes, it begins when it ends.
Eternal Shabbat, ever new. Shabbat Havdalah Shabbat.
Yom Rishon
Life and home are returned to their yom hol state.
Thoughts linger on the holy, time of togetherness and rest,
Of the delicious food that was and the week that lies ahead.
Yom Sheni
Anticipation of the next Shabbat hangs in the air like the scent lingering
In the kitchen of freshly baked challah devoured over Shabbat.
Yom Shlishi
Lists are written, plans arranged, and visitors invited
To celebrate together, bezrat HaShem, the upcoming Shabbat.
Yom Revi’i
Arrangements are made, plans are finalized.
Comestibles and vegetables, wine and treats are purchased and sorted.
Yom Hamishi
The excitement builds, the cooking commences.
Houses are shaken out. The week is behind, Shabbat ahead.
Yom Shishi
The Israeli air is electric, fragrant and golden with anticipation
Of the Shabbat queen’s arrival. Even if not everyone acknowledges it, the feeling is there.
The great table is set with silver and linens,
Dishes are prepared with special thoughts for honoring HaShem and the Shabbat,
His weekly gift to us.
Returned from ritual baths, dressed in finery,
A blessing is sung before firelight.
The mystical poetry of Shlomo is recited to escort the Shabbat queen
And her angels into each home.
A song for the woman and the torat-chesed on her tongue.
Sons are blessed as Ephraim and Menashe,
Daughters endowed with the power of the matriarchs.
Wine is poured and blessed.
Hands are washed and silence reigns
As challah is raised, blessed, sliced, and salted.
An “Amen” and the meal begins.
A banquet of beauty and delight stretches the length of the table.
All our nourished, body and soul. Peace pervades.
Yom Shabbat
We rest and repeat;
Waiting for the eternal Shabbat with The Divine Creator in Who we rest.
In the meantime, l’haim and have some more wine,
Tonight it ends and tomorrow it begins.
Beautiful. What a gift is Shabbat, even during difficult times.