For indie authors and small publishing houses like Negev Publishing navigating the competitive world of publishing, pre-orders are a vital step in the publishing process. In a competitive industry where visibility and timing can make or break a book’s success, pre-orders can significantly impact an author’s success in the journey from manuscript to publication.
In addition to creating a buzz of excitement around a new or soon-to-be-released book, pre-orders allow readers to reserve their copy of the book before the official release date which then count towards the book's first-day sales. First-day sales have a profound effect on a book's initial ranking on platforms like Amazon and bestseller lists.
The pre-order period also enables authors to reach a broader audience and engage with readers who are eager to support their work. Building a real grassroots following and supporting it with pre-orders can serve as compelling evidence of the book’s marketability and audience appeal in the publishing industry which paves the way for a successful book launch and long-term career growth.
For indie authors like myself, pre-orders make all the difference. In the current climate of antisemitism around the world, now more than ever it is crucial to elevate Jewish voices and experiences. Pre-ordering The Camel in the Forest not only helps establish my career as a writer but also shows the world that there is a need for Jewish stories and there is a place for them in the publishing industry.
Thank you for your continued support in this writing journey. Do you have a Jewish author or book you love and feel is underappreciated? Share it below and let's show them some love.
A. E. Hayoun